Worship Online

Worship Online

Can’t join us in-person for Sunday Worship? We will continue to offer online worship experiences so that you can be the Church, God’s gathered people – right where you are!

Church @ Home

We invite you to join us for our worship service online as a family.

English 9:30 am                 Watch Now
Cantonese 11:15 am      Watch Now
Mandarin 11:00 am        Watch Now

If you missed our worship service on Sunday at 9:30am, watch on demand HERE.

Sunday Learning Opportunities

Continue to grow with us! Let’s dive further into God’s Word together. Click HERE for everything that’s being offered. Classes on Sundays begin at 11:00am . Online session(s) also available. All are welcome to join at any time!

For parents with children…..make sure you check out Children Ministry for all the current programs and resources that can equip you to nurture your kids at home each week.

Guidance on Communion at home

While we are physically distant, we will continue to observe communion as we gather together in our homes during SCBC’s online services out of loving obedience and as a response to His invitation. If you are a baptised believer in Jesus Christ, we invite you to participate with us in this act of remembrance. If you have not made a decision to follow Christ as your Lord and Saviour, we ask that you refrain from participation, but continue to watch, listen, and be engaged in the service. During the online service, the pastor will direct the congregation when to partake the elements.

How to prepare for taking communion during the online service

  1. Purchase and prepare grape juice in advance.
  2. Purchase and prepare bread/baked crackers in advance. Unleavened bread (baked without rising agent) has a meaningful significance in the history of Christianity and can be made at home or purchased at many grocery stores. If unavailable, you can select any bread or cracker of your choice.
  3. Have the elements ready to be taken when the service begins. When prompted, please follow along with the pastor’s directions.

Passages to reflect on and prepare yourself for this observance:  
Matthew 26:26-30 / Mark 14:22-26 / Luke 22:19-20 / 1 Corinthians 11:23-29

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