Eagles’ Wings

Eagles’ Wings


Studies have shown that at least 20% of the population will experience a mental illness in their lifetime. Our purpose is to reduce the stigma of mental illness and journey alongside those affected with mental health issues and their families.

You are not alone! The Eagles’ Wings Ministry offers spiritual and emotional support through sharing, companionship, and prayer. Be strengthened as you share experiences with others and receive resources, encouragement, hope, and love.

Eagles’ Wings meet on the 1st Monday of each month (8:00pm – 9:00pm).  We read Scriptures, pray and support each other. We continue to meet on zoom until further notice.

Seminar Material

DateTopicSpeakerPPT and Video
Jun 3, 2023Mental Health Challenges & FaithRev. Tim Sreedharan
Jun 4, 2022Dealing with Difficult Encounters with People – Managing our own FeelingsDr. Michael Pare
Jun 5, 2021Covid-19 Stress / Eat, Move & Sleep Your Stress AwayDr. Michael Pare, Dr. Annie Hum, Dr. Gordon KoCOVID-19 Stress Management
Psychological Resilience Through the Pandemic
4 Ways to Utilize Emotional Intelligence During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Self-Compassion_A Prescription for Well Being
Longevity Tests
Authentic Wellness
4 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep
Canada Food Guide
Eat Move Sleep
Sep 12, 2020Self Harm Behaviour in YouthRama Arora Persaud
April 27, 2019Depression in TeensDr. Teresa Lim
May 5, 2018Managing Emotion for Mental Well-BeingDr. Alan Fung
May 5, 2018Managing Anxiety in ChildrenDr. Anna Chen
May 28, 2017Crisis Intervention in Mental HealthAdrianne Sequeira
May 28, 2017Mental Illness and Family CaregiversPurple Yip
Oct 29, 2016Understanding Mental Health & Mental IllnessDr. Patrick Lo
Oct 29, 2016When a Friend or a Family Member Has Mental IllnessDr. Vincent Poon


A Christian Perspective on Cognitive Behaviour

A Reflection on How Trauma is Perceived in the Church

Reflection on “A Grief Observed”

Diathesis Stress Model on Mental Illness

A Motivational TEDx Talk – “What’s Wrong With Me? Absolutely Nothing”

Suggested Booklist

Blossoms in the Valley: Emerging from the Depths of Mental Illness | T. Choy

I am not Sick, I don’t Need Help |  X. Amador

Lessons of Loss: a guide to coping | R. Neimeyer

Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual | E.F. Torrey

The Little Book of Trauma Healing | C. Yoder

The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat | O. Sacks

Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission | A. Simpson

A Grief Observed | C. S. Lewis

The Wounded Healer | Henry Nouwen

*All information on this site is for general purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional diagnosis, treatment and advice.  SCBC and Eagles’ Wings shall have no liability for the consequences of any attempt of using/applying the information presented on this site.