

Youth group is happening every Friday night! Join us between 7:30pm till 9:30pm for the weekly program. We will continue to have an opportunity to connect with one another and most importantly with Jesus!

Email Pastor Fabian for upcoming programs

At Youth Group, we are aiming to create a community where we can build relationships so that we can do life together. Every week, we have fun activities, study the Bible, and engage in discussions, as we strive to create an arena where any and all questions can be asked and discussed. We participate in a time of worship, icebreakers, and activities as a large group, and then split off into separate Jr. High School and High School groups for discussions.

We’d just love to have the opportunity to get to know you if you’re a student in grades 7-12.  Youth Group is for you if:

  • You have questions about Jesus and Christianity.
  • You are looking to engage in discussion about your exploration of religion.
  • You might be looking for personal discipleship and mentorship.
  • You might be looking to grow in your own relationship with Jesus.
  • You are just looking for some good community, discussion, and fun on a Friday night.

Be sure to join the rest of the church every Sunday morning @9:30am for worship!

ATTENTION PARENTS : If you want to make sure your youth is well connected with youth group and the leaders, make sure you are receiving the Weekly Updates.  Sign up below or simply email Pastor Fabian.



Looking for a place to serve? Come join our team and let’s work together to help our next generation grow into dynamic Christ followers! Click on the button below to sign up and one of our Youth Ministry pastors will connect with you with more details.

Upcoming Youth Events

Youth Group

Youth group is happening every Friday night at SCBC! Join us between 7:30pm till 9:30pm, where we will continue to have an opportunity to connect with one another and most…

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Questions for Pastor

Feel free to connect with Pastor Fabian and he'll get back to you promptly.