

God has been so generous towards us and it’s such a privilege that we get to give back to Him. Thanks for your heart in supporting the ministries of SCBC. Your financial support and generosity enables our impact both locally and globally.
We’ve made donating to SCBC easier than ever. Below are several ways for you to give –  fast, easy, securely – to a specific ministry as well as the General Fund.


If you bank with Bank of Montreal, CIBC, Royal Bank, Scotiabank, or TD Canada Trust, you can now give to the church by simply visiting the bank’s website or mobile app and setting up “Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church” as a payee. This allows you to make donations to the church the same way you would in paying your other bills online. Make a one-time contribution or set up recurring giving.
You will need to set up an account with your offering number (3 easy steps). If you require an offering number, please email


You can make a one-time gift by using the PayPal platform. If you don’t have a SCBC offering number, please leave it as blank. Do provide us with your name, address, phone number and email so that we can verify your record.
Please note that the Payment/Donation Receipt you will receive from PayPal is not an official Donation Receipt from SCBC. For income tax purposes, we will issue, in February, one official Donation Receipt including online and other offerings.


You can set up automatic monthly withdrawals from your bank account. Simply complete the Pre-Authorization Debit Form and submit with a voided cheque to the church office or email Emma Xu. Changes can be made at any time with 30 days of written notice.


Cheques are made payable to Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church. Ensure your name, offering number and contact information are visible on the cheques. Please also designate your fund (e.g. General Fund, Mission, Capital, etc.) if you choose to in a note or on the envelop. Please DO NOT mail cash.
Mail or drop off to:
3223 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y1


At any of our weekend services, you can use an offering envelope found in the back of the pews, place your cash/cheque inside, and deposit it in the offering bag when passed around. Alternatively, you can drop it off in the offering box located at the Welcome Kiosk.
Be sure to clearly write your full name, offering number, and contact information on the envelope so that a tax receipt can be made out to you. You can contact the office to request an offering number if you don’t have one or email


If you’d like to give a gift of securities or investments, please contact our Administration Manager, Paul Ho who can provide you with the necessary information.

Financial Integrity and Stewardship

We do our best to honour the Lord with our finances and stewardship. Donor information is kept in strict confidence by our Finance Department. No information is sold nor made available without the prior consent of the donor except where disclosure is required by law. Any questions regarding the budget or financial statements can be addressed to our Administration Manager, Paul Ho.

If you have any questions please contact the church office at 416-297-8011 or e-mail us at