Community Groups (CGs) are an essential and core part of the ministry of our church. During this new season, groups are meeting back together in-person as well as remotely through easy, user-friendly online applications and phone calls to continue spiritual growth and healthy relationships together. More than ever, this is a time to join a group for mutual support.
Get connected: join a Community Group today to be part of a safe, authentic community.
Our primary goal at SCBC is to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19) and we believe that happens in transformational ways when we encounter God in the context of intentional community.
As we are gathered during weekly services and fellowships and are sent to live faithfully on God’s mission, CGs are the main way in which we get to embody that rhythm together through connecting with God through prayer and scripture, mutually caring and supporting each other through meaningful relationships, and serving in various capacities.
There are a wide variety of groups located around the GTA and in various life stages (family, young adult, senior, single, etc.) to get plugged into. Through weekly/bi-weekly gatherings, our CGs meet in groups of 6-12 people to connect, pray, study, and grow together. To find a community group to be a part of, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch to work with you to find a group that fits and would be a community to live out life and grow together in Christ.
If you have any questions, comments, or are interested in facilitating groups, please e-mail:
Fill out the form HERE