

Baptism is both a public declaration of our faith and trust in Jesus Christ and an act of obedience to Him as part of our discipleship journey. This important act signifies that we are identifying with Christ in His life, death, and resurrection and that we are committing to living our lives for Him as part of the church community.

In our church tradition, we practice “Believer’s Baptism” as we hold to the conviction of Scripture that baptism is a response to the love and grace of God in Christ.

Though we do not receive salvation through baptism, it is outward sign of His inner saving work and our devotion. As part of the journey toward discerning baptism, we regularly offer an introductory course for youth and adults to exploring and understanding a life in Christ. Topics that we cover include:

  1. Salvation – What does it mean? What does Scripture say?
  2. Assurance – How do I know that I belong to God?
  3. Holiness – Why is it important and how do I become holy?
  4. Discipleship & Baptism – What does a journey with Christ look like?
  5. Spiritual Practices – Why is reading Scripture, prayer, community, and obedience important?
  6. The Holy Spirit – How does God continue to shape and help me?
  7. Worship – What does a life that seeks to glorify Christ look like? Why do we gather?
  8. Witness – What does it mean to live out the good news and participate on God’s mission in the world?

If you have any questions about baptism or are interested in exploring this part of your walk with Christ, please talk to one of the English Ministry pastors or fill out the form below.

Christmas 2023 Baptism
Celebrate with those who have made a commitment to follow after Jesus.

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To find out more details about taking the next steps toward baptism/membership, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch on how we can walk and discern together with you on this journey.