金齡人士很可能將會面對在品性上更高一層的要求和挑戰, 因此金齡事工將會重視這方面的培育和教導。
Boomers may face higher demands and challenges on their character. Prime Timer Ministry will emphasize on nurturing the BEING.
- 基本品格模造講座
- 基督徒的健康情緒
- 滿足與欣賞的心態藝術
- 溫柔
Character Building
- Essential character building sessions
- Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
- Contentment and Appreciative Mind Set
- Gentleness
教會就是神的殿, 我們希望能在教會提供一個安靜的環境, 幫助弟兄姊妹來與神親近。「禱告的殿」就是與神親近祈禱的地方。
House of Prayer
The church is the House of God, we hope to provide a 「Quiet Zone」at church to help brothers & sisters come near to Him. The House of Prayer is the place for us to pray and come near to God.
We will open the church prayer room. People can come in freely, quietly pray and draw near to God and establish an intimate relationship with Him.
星期一禱告行祈禱會 (Monday Prayer Walk Meeting)
時間: 逢星期一上午10:00-11:15
Meeting ID: 945 6325 2891
Password: 268587
One tap mobile
+17789072071,,94563252891#,,1#,268587# Canada
+14388097799,,94563252891#,,1#,268587# Canada
特別的讚美與敬拜活動 – 著重使用美好讚美詩(金詩), 例如在我們年青時唱過的古典聖詩, 透過唱詩,經文默想和祈禱,我們將讚美和敬拜獻給我們的神, 引導潮代的弟兄姊妹在詩歌和心靈上讚美主。
Special Praise and Worship Events
We will sing hymns including those we sang in our youth. Through singing, Bible passage meditation and prayer, we offer our praise and worship to God. We hope to inspire the boomers to praise the Lord in songs and in spirit.