Intro by Deacon Board Chair 執事會主席的介紹
Dear SCBC family:
My name is Josephine Chow, currently serving as Deacon Board Chair. I am very pleased to share with you the good news that 2 more members have accepted our nomination to stand as deacon candidates. According to our Church Constitution, we are inviting all SCBC members to approve by voting for them to become deacons of SCBC.
They are, from our Cantonese congregation, sister Cosan Chiu, and from our English congregation, brother Benjamin Tou. Both of them have been faithfully serving SCBC for many years, and are well recognized as spiritual servant-leaders who love God and care deeply for our church and God's people. Their profiles and ministry experience are detailed in the ballot forms sent out to you by post or email. Please cast and return your votes to church office within a month before deadline Nov 25. For the convenience of those receiving personalized emails from church office, you can directly reply the personalized emails in casting your votes.
Deacon nomination goes through a very stringent screening, assessing and praying process that requires the approval of over 90% of all deacons. Senior Pastor and deacon representative visit the nominees who then earnestly pray and seek God's direction before committing to take on this church leadership role. We are especially thankful for them at this juncture in time as some deacons on Deacon Board have served SCBC non-stop for over 20, 30 years and are well over retirement age. Three will retire from the Deacon Board office at the end of this year, with a few more next year. Praise God for raising new leaders among us!
Even if you do not know the candidates personally, we still hope that you will, with all SCBC members, take part in this matter and cast a vote of trust, and that we together, the whole church will affirm their calling and commitment to serve God's church.
Cosan and Benjamin have each prepared a short video to share with you. Thank you.
我是執事會現任主席周余淑賢。好高興向大家報告一個好消息, 我們有多兩位弟兄姊妹願意接受提名為執事候選人,加入執事行列,服侍教會。現在按照教會會章規定, 提請所有士浸會友投票通過。
這兩位是粵語堂趙珏笙姊妹和英語堂杜其昌弟兄,兩位都是士浸家的資深會友, 愛主愛教會, 多年來忠心地在多樣事工上作領導, 虛心服事弟兄姊妹,他們的事奉履歷已詳細列明在選票上, 選票已經用郵寄或電郵方式發出給大家 . 請大家在一個月內, 11月25日前回覆。為方便電郵投票, 收到教會辨事處發給你個人電郵的弟兄姊妹,可直接回覆那電郵, 投摘你的一票。
執事的提名要通過多重審慎的評估、考慮和禱告, 得到90%以上的執事贊成, 經主任牧師與執事代表誠意邀請候選人, 他們經過在神面前禱告等候, 尋問神心意後, 決意委身教會, 承擔這按照聖經設立的領導職份。我們為此特別感恩, 因為現有的執事群體中有多位年事已高, 服事教會長達廿卅年之久, 本年底將有三位退出執事會這管治領導崗位, 來年也有3, 4位退休。感謝神的預備, 召喚新執事接班, 承傳教會使命。
即或你並不認識候選人, 但我們仍然希望所有士浸會友都能參與支持這事, 投下信任票, 整個士浸家一同印證並認許兩位候選人對神的擺上。
Cosan Chiu 趙珏笙
Dear Brothers & Sisters:
My name is Cosan Chiu. My husband is Andrew Lee. We are attending Cantonese Noon Worship and serving in the Cantonese Ministry Team. I was born and raised in a Christian family. I immigrated with my family from HK to Toronto in 1989 and we joined SCBC the same year. I was baptized in April of 1995 at SCBC. During my time at SCBC, I am so thankful for the guidance from all the pastors, mentors and counsellors. With the encouragement from all the brothers and sisters, I am able to serve in many different ministries at SCBC. Currently, I am serving as the Chair of Body Life Ministry in the Cantonese Ministry Team, as a pianist and a vocalist in the Cantonese Worship Team, a GLO worship leader, and a member in the Moving to Canada Ministry. When I was invited by the Deacon board to join their team, my first thought was I am not qualified. Andrew and I kept praying and seeking God's guidance. If this is God's calling for me, I am willing to serve humbly on the Deacon board because I have faith that God will guide me and HIS name will be glorified at SCBC.
Thank you.
Benjamin Tou 杜其昌
Hello SCBC:
my name is Benjamin Tou, and I am honored and humbled to be considered for the role of deacon. I have been a member of SCBC since 1998, where I have actively participated in various ministries, including Christian Education, Young Adults Ministry and being a member of the Board of Directors.
I am passionate about serving our community and helping others grow in their faith.
I’m truly grateful that God has not only allowed me to know Him, but also been nurturing and discipling me through many faithful mentors along my spiritual journey.
These experiences have equipped me with a better understanding of what it means to be a servant of God. I believe that a deacon's role is to support the church and its members, and I am committed to fostering a spirit of service, compassion, and unity.
I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to our church's mission and to support our congregation in their spiritual journeys. Thank you for considering my application. God bless!
大家好!我是杜其昌(Benjamin Tou),我很榮幸和謙卑的被考慮擔任執事一職。我自 1998 年起成為士浸會友,積極參與多項事工,包括基督教教育、青少年事工,並為董事會成員之一。
我期待有機會為教會的使命作出貢獻,並支持我們會眾的靈命之旅。感謝您們考慮我的申請。願 神祝福!